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Submission Process

The Decision Sciences Institute invites decision sciences academics and practitioners to submit full papers, abstracts, panel proposals and workshop proposals for the upcoming DSI conference.

Submissions should relate to developing new knowledge across all functional areas of business and curriculum that align to our tracks of focus.

Ready to submit? Click Here.

Submit Full Papers, Abstracts, Panel and Workshop Proposals

DSI invites full paper, abstract, and panel and workshop proposal submissions focusing on developing new knowledge across all functional areas of business and curriculum. Papers in these tracks are ideally positioned for publication consideration by Decision Sciences Journal and the Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education plus other high impact business journals and business education journals. Panels in these tracks focus on identifying emerging research topics, identifying leading-edge issues, topics, and methodologies.

Full Papers and Awards Deadline Extended:

June 10, 2024

Abstracts, Panels and Workshops Deadline Extended:

June 24, 2024

Please prepare all submissions following the guidelines in the DSI Submission Templates as offered below. 

All submissions must have at least one author registered for the conference by September 15 to be included in the program.

We encourage early requests for VISA’s. Send request for Invitation Letter to Executive Director Vivian Landrum at vlandrum@bauer.uh.edu. Include full name, title. school affiliation and title of submission(s).

PLEASE NOTE:  Everyone will need to create a new account, even if you submitted to this system last year.

Submit Now

Go to the Conference Submission Portal to submit. Create a new account even if you submitted last year.

How to Submit a Full Paper

Step by Step instructions for submitting a Full Paper at DSI 2024

How to Publish in the 2024 DSI Conference Proceedings

Step by step instructions for uploading your final full paper for proceedings publication.

2024 Initial Full Paper Submission Upload Template

2024 Final Full Paper Submission Upload Template

Check Out The Features Of This Year’s Annual Conference