DSI Announces Slate of Candidates for 2023 Board Election
The Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) Board of Directors received and approved a recommended slate of candidates from its 2022 – 2023 Nominating Committee. DSI is pleased to announce the following DSI members will be running for a position on the DSI Board. All positions except the President-Elect will serve for a term of two years. (Candidates are listed in alphabetical order by last name for each position.)
Victor Prybutok, University of North Texas
VP Americas
Pedro Reyes, Baylor University
VP Asia-Pacific
Khaled Alshare, Qatar University
VP Information Management
Jason Deane, Virginia Tech
VP Marketing
Marco Sartor, University of Udine
VP Publications
Asil Oztekin, University of Massachusetts Lowell
Q Chung, Villanova University
Karen Eboch, Bowling Green State University
As per DSI Policies & Procedures, nominations were solicited and received from the membership. If no more than one qualified nomination was received for an open Board position, the slate may remain with one candidate for that position.
Additional nominations may be submitted to the Home Office for any position on the slate by January 10, accompanied by a petition signed by at least 5% of the voting-eligible membership requesting such addition. For this election, that number is 60. More information on submitting an addition to the slate can be requested from the Home Office.
A reminder that only active, dues-paying members are entitled to vote. The cut-off date for active membership will be Friday, January 20, 2023. Members joining after this date will not be eligible to vote in this election. The election will open on January 25, 2023 and run for twenty (20) days.
Questions? Contact the Home Office at info@decisionsciences.org.