Scholarship of Teaching and Learning SIG
SOTAL Statement of Purpose
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOT AL@ OSI) is a Specific Interest Group {SIG) within the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI). SOT AL is dedicated to fostering a vibrant community of teaching professionals committed to continuous improvement and innovation in education. We aim to empower educators at all stages of their careers to enhance their effectiveness and contribute to the advancement of teaching and learning practices. The purpose of the SOTAL is to:
• Nurture professional growth
• Promote scholarship of teaching and learning
• Facilitate peer-to-peer networking and collaboration
• Recognize and celebrate excellence in teaching
• Promote innovation in teaching and learning
To further the mission of the Decision Sciences Institute, the SOTAL SIG shall conduct activities to provide for the exchange of information among those who extend, apply, and teach disciplines of the SIG.
Operations of SOTAL
- Organize a minimum of 3 sessions at the DSI Annual Meeting. Prominent researchers or practitioners shall be invited to participate.
- Remain active throughout the year with various activities, discussions on topics of interest, interactions with practitioners, and creative projects.
- Have a list of DSI members affiliated with the SIG and an e-mail listserv which is maintained by the DSI Home Office.
- Conduct elections and inform the Board of its election procedures.
- Provide an annual report on the SIG and its activities to the DSI Board and DSI members affiliated with the SIG.
Founding Co-Chairs
Discover How To Become Part of the SOTAL Community
Contact a Founding Co-Chair, Karen Eboch at or Pamela Rogers at