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Call for Submissions

The Decision Sciences Institute invites decision sciences academics and practitioners to submit abstracts or short papers for the upcoming DSI Pedagogy Conference.

Submissions should relate to developing new knowledge across all functional areas of business and curriculum that align to our tracks of focus.

Ready to submit? Click Here.


Submit Abstracts or Short Papers

DSI invites abstract and short paper submissions focusing on developing new knowledge across all functional areas of business and curriculum. Abstracts should be less than 250 words.  Short papers are 3 – 5 pages and not to exceed 2,000 words. We are using Oxford Abstracts as our conference management system for this conference.

Submission Deadline:

April 1, 2024 (extended due to holiday)


Please prepare all submissions following the guidelines in the DSI Submission Templates as offered below.

All submissions must have at least one author registered for the conference by May 15 to be included in the program.


Submissions in the following Tracks are invited:

Case studies
Teaching activities and games
Conceptual and pedagogical research
Ethical and responsible usage of AI and other tools in teaching and learning
Teaching AI and tech tools
Curricular/Program issues
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion and Student belonging
Not finding your category or unsure? – use Other when submitting


Download a copy of the Call for Papers to share with colleagues and friends!

Submit Now

Go to the Conference Submission Portal to submit. If you have not used Oxford Abstracts in the past, you may need to create a new account.

Initial Short Paper Submission Upload Template

Final Short Paper Submission Upload Template