DSI Institute Awards

DSI Institute Awards are given to recognize those individuals who have a proven record of accomplishment and dedication to the decision sciences and the Institute.


DSI awards the designation of Fellow to an active DSI member who is an eminent scholar in the field of decision sciences and is actively involved in the work of the Institute. 

Congratulations to WC Benton, The Ohio State University, designated as a DSI Fellow at the DSI 2024 Annual Conference.

Dennis E. Grawoig Distinguished Service Award

The Dennis E. Grawoig Distinguished Service Award is named after one of the founders of DSI and recognizes a member of the Institute who has provided major service to the Institute over a period of years.

Congratulations to DSI’s 2024 recipients Natalie Simpson, University at Buffalo and Robert Pavur, University of North Texas, for their selfless service to DSI.

Lifetime Distinguished Educator Award

The Lifetime Distinguished Educator Award recognizes exceptional contributions to teaching and learning in the disciplines of decision sciences.

Congratulations to DSI’s 2024 recipients Robert Andrews, Virginia Commonwealth University and F. Robert Jacobs, Indiana University, for their exceptional contributions in teaching and learning for the decision sciences.


Elwood S. Buffa Award

The Elwood S. Buffa Award Doctoral Dissertation Award identifies and recognizes outstanding doctoral research in the development of theory or applications of the decision sciences. Submitted dissertations examine diverse subjects within the areas of operations management, information systems and decision support systems, employing a variety of methodological approaches. 

Congratulations to the 2024 Elwood S. Buffa Award Doctoral Dissertation Award recipient Micah Marzolf.

Carol J. Latta Award

The Carol J.Latta Memorial Early Career Research Award recognizes an outstanding researcher in the early stages of his or her career in the field of decision sciences. The award is offered at the DSI Annual Conference each November.

Congratulations to the 2024 recipients Sining Song, University of Maryland, and Rakesh Mallipeddi, The Ohio State University.